At Home Wrestling Circuit: Extended Single to Finish


Having trouble getting off your belly from a single leg? Here's a drill you can do at home to help you learn the footwork and build the strength to finish those shots. Whether you're a wrestler or not, learning these motions and how to properly control your body in space will greatly improve both your strength and balance. Not to mention, it's a killer workout for your core, hips, and glutes. For this circuit, complete each motion for 10 reps before continuing to the next. Perform 10 rounds of this and only take breaks between rounds.

Circuit: 10 Rounds

1. Belly to Knees

*Keep your core tight and don't allow your back to sag when pulling your knee in

2. Knees to Hips In

*Bring your back foot to slightly behind your knee, not past it

3. Hips In to Feet

*Step up with your lead foot while maintaining balance and keeping your hips in


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