Schedule & Training Options

| In-Season: December - February

| Spring Season: March - May

| Summer Season: June - August

| Pre-Season: September - November

Take your wrestling to the NEXT LEVEL

Summer Season Schedule: (June 1-August 31)

Sun: Small Groups | Strength & Conditioning + Wrestling

  • - Group A: 8am-10am (Wrestling then S&C)

  • - Group B: 10am-12pm (Wrestling then S&C)

  • - Group C: 12pm-2pm (Wrestling then S&C)

  • - Group D: 2pm-4pm (Wrestling then S&C)

Mon: 4pm-6pm | Strength & Conditioning + Wrestling

Tue: 4pm-6pm | Strength & Conditioning + Wrestling

Wed: 4pm-6pm | Strength & Conditioning + Wrestling

Thu: 4pm-6pm | Strength & Conditioning + Wrestling

To achieve all that is possible,

you must attempt the impossible.

To be as much as you can be

you must dream of being more.

Your dream is the promise

of all that you can become.

What’s Included

  • 1-on-1 and small group (8 or less) wrestling skills and technique sessions showing step-by-step instruction on high-percentage offense and finishes to help you hone your skills and excel at a higher level. Each session covers in-depth the finer points and details of various techniques to help you both master the technique and learn how to implement it into your own style and arsenal. It is my personal coaching style that no two wrestling styles are the same; my goal is to give and help you develop the knowledge, tools, and mastery necessary to succeed with your own style and have a strong foundation in the fundamentals and basics of numerous positions to both anticipate and score frequently throughout matches. In these wrestling skills/technique sessions, we will:

    • Learn and develop high-percentage offense and techniques in neutral, top, and bottom positions to implement into your own wrestling style

    • Develop hand-fighting basics and positioning to fight offensively towards scoring positions and attacks

    • Build a strong foundation and knowledge base in fundamentals and positioning to score frequently and consistently throughout matches

    • Troubleshoot problem positions and techniques seen in Match Video Reviews and during training

    In-Person Training Progression: Wrestling sessions will begin with 1-on-1 training to teach and implement a foundational technique system for the 1st month followed by the 2nd month of wrestling sessions being half 1-on-1 and half small group. By the 3rd month the athlete will be ready to fully integrate into small group training. The purpose of this progression is to develop foundational technique, teach drilling etiquette, and progressively provide a small group environment where athletes can learn both offensive and defensive positions consecutively within a drill while still receiving individualized coaching attention.

    1st Month: all 1-on-1 Wrestling Sessions with Coach Miller

    2nd Month: Wrestling Sessions will alternate Small Group then 1-on-1 for the duration of the month

    3rd Month: all Small Group Wrestling Sessions lead by Coach Miller

    Virtual Training: Sessions done over Zoom Meetings through technique-development mapping and discussion [Combined with Match Video Review + Mindset Development]

  • Unlike any other sport, wrestling-specific strength and conditioning requires preparing for a six to seven minute high-energy match with multiple power bursts, muscular endurance, stability combined with strength, and a high-level of conditioning using multiple metabolic energy sources. The sad reality is…most strength and conditioning coaches lack the wrestling experience and knowledge to develop a truly effective program; after all, wrestling isn’t like football with a series of ten second bursts followed by one to two minute rest periods. So why train for this when what you really need is high-energy for six to seven minutes with fluctuating lengths of bursts that only raise even higher? Not to mention balance combined with power, multi-directional speed and agility, and the necessary strength to pull in difficult positions not push away your opponent. In these strength and conditioning sessions, you will:

    • Build wrestling-specific power combined with stability and mobility to pull in and drive through difficult positions

    • Maximize muscular and cardiovascular endurance to continuously move your opponent and maintain a high-pace during a six to seven minute match and be able to reach even higher energy bursts when necessary for power

    • Develop multi-directional speed and agility to be able to move, rotate, and change direction quickly both vertically and on a horizontal plane while maintaining stability, quickness, and power-potential

    • Bulletproof your knees, shoulders, and lower back with joint strengthening and stabilization to prevent common injuries to wrestlers

    Virtual Training: Receive Custom Strength & Conditioning Plan (At-Home options available), review progress and tailor adjustments, co-actively develop and implement weight decent and recovery protocols

  • With the intense training, constant pursuit for improvement, and “all on you” components with wrestling, it is absolutely the truth that wrestling is 80% mental and 20% physical. However, most of our training is dedicated to the physical side and little to no development is given to the mental side, and because of this, many issues can begin to crop up…decreased ability to handle adversity, lowered confidence, increased anxiety. Learning how to manage these issues and develop a bulletproof, confident, scoring-focused mindset is important to both success as a competitor and in life. In these Mindset Development sessions, we will:

    • Address problem areas and blocks in mindset that prevent accessing your fullest competitive potential and improve confidence

    • Learn and develop tools to manage anxiety, overcome adversity, and maintain confidence through challenges

    • Develop a scoring-focused mindset bulletproof from adversity and powered by self-confidence to succeed against tougher opponents and excel on and off the mat

    Virtual Training: Sessions done over Zoom Meetings [Combined with 1-on-1 Wrestling Skills/Technique sessions & Match Video Review]

  • The biggest component to success in wrestling is constant improvement of both strengths and weaknesses, and although we can address issues that arise during practice, for matches we rely solely on memory and lose the ability to see some of the smaller details that could be the key to fixing certain positions and techniques. Videoing matches and reviewing them is critical to fixing problem areas, but watching tape has become a dying art that few actually do and most don’t watch with their coaches who can help point out details that are maybe being overlooked. In these Match Video Review sessions, we will:

    • Watch match videos together at the facility and fix positions and techniques as they arise

    • Analyze together the technical strengths and weaknesses for each position and plan further adjustments for upcoming wrestling sessions

    • Discuss match mindset, tactics, and strategy then plan together adjustments for upcoming wrestling sessions and mindset development sessions

    Virtual Training: Sessions done over Zoom Meetings [Combined with 1-on-1 Wrestling Skills/Technique sessions & Mindset Development]