7-Minute Stretch Routine


Stretching is a crucial component to both overall health and physical performance. However, most people struggle finding a proper routine and some just skip it entirely. Here is a short, 7-minute stretch routine you can fit into any workout to improve both hip and leg mobility. Complete this routine once through performing each stretch for at least 30 seconds. Increase the time for areas that need more work. Here's the routine:

7-Minute Stretch Routine

1. Toe Touch

2. Catcher's Stretch

3. Legs Wide: Middle

4. Legs Wide: SL Stretch (L&R)

5. Squat Rock

6. Butterfly Stretch

7. SL Stretch (L&R)

8. Lunge Stretch (L&R)

9. Lunge Hamstring Stretch (L&R)


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